Reaching Jie Jie
After a night's sleep and the beginnings of a new hot day in the Kuan Lo Desert, everyone is feeling a bit better. Bumps and bruises from the night before don't hurt so much anymore and meds for those coughs and colds seem to be taking effect. After a simple breakfast, the crew plus one board the shuttle to visit Felix Gary, at the Fix-n-Fly and to pick up the rest of Dorota and Sarah's stuff.
There's still a bandage on his arm but, otherwise, Michi seems no worse for wear considering he almost passed out last night. He flies th shuttle straight and true, setting it down and ensuring it remains nice and locked when they leave. "Bargaining with the parts guy is all you, Carina."
Dorota, wearing yesterday's grease-spattered clothes - she borrowed something to sleep in, but apparently doesn't care about this Gary guy seeing her like this. Or maybe it's intentional. "So...this guy is Felix Gary. I applied for a job with him but he said he wanted people who'd stick around. Nothing but amicable."
Sarah frowns a little, "Sounds positively charming." She has a different set of clothes on, having packed them along in her small bag. Though they are still pretty utilitarian in cut, nothing terribly fancy.
Karl being well Karl, is keeping it ulitarian as he always does. Plenty of place for stowing things and of course he has his weaponry in easy reach. Whether he has heard of this Gary guy or not he isn't saying, but he doesn't seem to recognize the name, but if the guy is just a mechanic he probably would't have. "What kind of jobs does this guy offer?"
"All me? I don't even know what we want or need. How do I know what a good price is?" Corina questions Michi. Not that she's unwilling, or bad at bargaining. But she's going to need some information to do a good job.
"I have a preliminary list," Dorota says, simply. "And again, I also want a consult. There's something making me uneasy." She doesn't want to voice her worries. Yet. These people are probably already seriously considering going back and hurting somebody over this.
"Doesn't matter. We can't afford it unless he's giving it away." Michi points out. "We're going to end up trading services. Like washing dishes for food. Except for parts. You'll figure it out and our new mechanic can give you the specifics. I'm pretty sure you can out bargain anyone."
Sarah nods, "And I can take the opportunity to slip over to my clinic and get some additional supplies for the medbay. Definitely wouldn't hurt to have them handy."
Carina frowns momentarily and shakes her head. "Alright. I'll do the best I can."
Listening to the others Karl remains silent for the moment, watchful of their surroundings as the head to his fix-in-fly place. His expression goes a bit dubious at the thought of trading services for goods, but at least that is a prospect he is familiar with especially since he is kind of doing the same already.
Sarah's Clinic
After setting the shuttle down, Sarah and Karl split off and head over to Sarah's clinic. The /clinic/ is more like a hole in the wall barely able to fit more than a few people at a time.
The clinic is dusty, and closed for now. But of course, Sarah has a key, which she uses to unlock the deadbolts, "Just need to stop in here and get a few medical supplies." The front area is like a typical waiting area, though there's no real separation between that and the back where the medical equipment is. A few wilted flowers sit in a vase on the table, along with some very old magazines and a few tattered books. There's no receptionist, since, well, who'd be desperate enough to work here?
Karl gives the doctor a nod. He isn't the most talkative person in the group, and since he has only been with the crew a few days, well there are clearly still the getting to know you trust issues. Giving a glance around he rubs his nose to keep from sneezing. So much dust on this planet! The magazines and books catch his eye and he moves to flip through them. "Need help carrying anything?" he's no gentlemen either, he isn't going to insist on helping unless she really needs it.
Sarah hmms and shuts the door behind Karl once he steps in, "I don't think so... we'll see how much I can pack along here. The medbay on the ship can use about anything I can bring out." With that, she opens the door separating the actual medical area from the reception, keeping that door open as she starts rifling through things, packing up a convenient carrying case.
At the clinic, there is a knock on the outside door.
"Could probably use more than that, but we don't need to clean this place out." or do they, Karl isn't sure. He continues to flip through the magazine, slipping the other one in his shirt along with one of the books. At the knock he looks up and takes a step toward the back room "Doc, you expecting company?" he then glances out any windows to see if he has line of sight on who is knocking
A muffled curse in Chinese echoes from the back room, then Sarah looks towards Karl, "Ah, no... see who it is. Might be someone needing help." And well, doctors do take oaths in these situations. "Make sure it isn't trouble, and if not, let them in."
Outside the clinic door through the small window can be seen a man in jeans and a t-shirt, all dusty and dirty. Even from this vantage, he is cradling his arm.
"Trust me, hurt people can be just as much trouble as unhurt ones." Karl tells her as if he has experience in that department "Looks like a hurt one." he moves to open the door, eyeing the man on the other side with stoic expression "If you are looking for the doctor come in, if you are looking for trouble, well I'll step outside and we can deal with it in the street."
Sarah sighs, "Zhen dao mei... alright, let him in and I'll take a quick look at him. Hopefully he's a paying patient." She grins a bit at that, not able to turn down free work when it's there as she moves the case off of the patient's table so she can get busy.
"I don't mean no trouble, Sir. I'm looking for Dr. Lee," The man walks in and upon seeing Sarah he smiles and tries to wave with the hurt hand forgetting that it's hurt and wincing. "Dr. Lee! Glad I caught you. I seem to have done something fierce awful to my wrist." Sarah will recognize him as Gordon.
Sarah shakes her head, "Oh Gordon, get back here and I'll get that looked at. Tian xiao de, didn't I set that just six months ago and you wrecked it again?" She looks irritable, but in an exasperated-but-good-natured way as she waves Gordon through to the actual medical room.
With Sarah seeming to recognize the injured man, Karl steps back to allow the man to pass "Let's keep it that way." he says, all stoic like as he follows them back to oversee and continue to look at his new to him reading material.
Gordon passes by Karl giving him a bit of a wide berth as best he can considering the cramped quarters. "I am right sorry about that Miss Lee. Got a whole new shipment of crates that needed movin' and no one but me available to move 'em." When he gets close enough to Sarah he says rather whispery. "As I was comin' over I seen you gettin' out of that shuttle by the Fix-n-Fly. They ain't from around here I hear."
Sarah sighs gently at Gordon, "Well, fortunately for you, it's a minor sprain. So no heavy lifting for at least a few days. Now, let me just patch it up and get you some aspirin, and you'll be good to go." She then grins at the whispering, "No, no they aren't, but one of their crew was sick, so I helped them out." She keeps it rather vague, not really whispering back to Gordon at his questions.
"We are /so/ not from around here." Karl says in a similiar whispery tone, not looking up from the magazine "And we are trying to get away from where ever here is as fast as possible."
Gordon turns bright red at Karl's fake whispers and asks Sarah. "You ain't leavin' too, are you?"
Sarah wraps up Gordon's wrist, "Well, I'm afraid I have to, there's business I have to do off-world." Which is true, but well, she also knew this was going to happen, if not Gordon then another of the regulars.
Gordon looks crestfallen. "You been a good doctor to us. Always knew you would eventually leave us. All the good ones do."
Karl has been listening to the conversation, the magazine isn't that engrossing "And the smart ones." he adds "Though by the looks of this place..." he won't finish that thought.
Sarah looks at Gordon, "Hey, I wouldn't leave if it wasn't important. But if I don't go, then things are going to get worse, not better." She pats the big man on the shoulder, not looking terribly pleased about leaving either, but... well, choice isn't exactly something she has here.
Gordon let's Sarah finish wrapping up his wrist, takes the proffered aspirin and leaves a bit more melancholy than when he came in.
Meanwhile at the Fix-n-Fly
Dorota guides Michi and Carina to the premises of the Fix-n-Fly, a modestly sized shipyard.
Entering into the main building of the shipyard, there is a long counter. Behind the counter is a window that opens out to the bay floors. Despite the fact that one might be able to fit half a dozen or so ships, there is currently only a single Pogo Class Transport in one of the bays. Equipment, large and small sit on various sized carts. Movin' and Haulin' vehicles are situated and ready to be used though currently silent. An older man in a set of beige overalls strolls over to the group. He's wiping his hands on a rag as he steps into the waiting area. "Ni Hao Travelers, Welcome to the Fix-n-Fly. What can I do for you today?" The name on the overalls says Felix.
Michi stays in the background. A world like this, the guy could be legit. Or he could be a chopshop waiting to happen. Someone has to keep his eyes open.
"Hey again, Gary," Dorota says cheerfully...entirely too cheerfully...as she sort of steps around Michi so she's more front and center.
"Good morning, Gary." Corina begins with a smile. "We are having some difficulties with our ship. If you don't mind, I'd like it if you could discuss the specifics of what we would need with my engineer? Then, perhaps we could discuss terms for the parts?"
Felix Gary smiles when he sees the young woman. "Dorota!" But his eyes wander towards Carina when she begins to speak. There is a moment of perhaps surprise at seeing someone of her ilk standing on the grounds of Jie Jie. "Ma'am. I would be delighted to discuss what ailments your ship possesses." He nods and stuffs the rag in his pocket.
Michi settles back. The truth is, he enjoys watching Carina work. Not in the specific sense of Companioning but in how she so easily finds the best way to deal with people. Its a little awe inspiring when it isn't directed right at you. Carina gestures to Darota. "Why don't you start? You are the engineer."
"I have a preliminary list, but I also want a second set of eyes on the ship. Unfortunately, it's...not going anywhere right now." Dorota's lips quirk a little.
Felix Gary lifts an eyebrow. "It ain't moving? I heard tell rumours of somethin' fallin' out of the sky." He nods back to the vehicles behind him. "I can have my men bring her back here so we can look at it good and proper."
Michi frowns, disliking exactly where this is going. "... if it will make it easier to fix." He says, "And we can agree to terms."
"That would be appreciated, Gary. I have localized coordinates for you, if that would be convenient? Or we can lead the way, if that would be better." Carina offers.
"It was actually a very nice fall," Dorota says wryly. "Everyone walked away. Which does, I believe, mean it counts as a landing."
"Well, as they say, a crash you can walk away from..." Felix Gary chuckles to himself. Sensing the sound of distrust in Michi's voice he addresses him/her. "I assure you the best place to diagnose and fix any ship problem is right here in the Fix-n-Fly. And as for terms, it all depends on the magnitude of the problem."
"I'll leave it to the mechanic and my partner to work that out with you." Michi says, nodding his head towards Carina and Dorota.
Dorota nods. "I'm worried about the ship. She's worried about the deal." Dorota grins a bit. Entirely glad to hand over the haggling to an expert for once.
"Probably we don't have much choice, Carina." Michi says, stepping up behind his partner and speaking softly. "Let them bring the ship here. You can haggle for everything once we have a clear assessment of what's needed. We'll have to trust our new mechanic to keep him honest."
Carina nods. "Would you prefer coordinates, Gary, or owuld you prefer a guide back to the ship?" She had every intention of accepting the transport; she thought it was already decided. So now she makes it explicit.
The Captains agree, so Dorota nods. "Whichever way works best. Get towed in and then go on from there." She knows she *can* fix the ship. It's a matter of how long and how much.
"Coordinates are fine, Ma'am. I'll have my men pick her up and bring her back here for assessing." Felix Gary says.
Gary gets the coordinates and his men start moving to bring back the Kobukson. It isn't long before the ship is nestled safely in the bay next to the other transport ship. After inspecting the engine and discussing the matter with Dorota, he finally concludes. "Looks like it all started when O-Ring was a mite off it's bed, setting off a chain reaction that fried the pressurizer sending so much pressure to the turbine it blew causing a secondary pop to the throttle as it overheated. I'd say you're damn lucky to be breathin'." He informs scratching his head. "Now seein as you've got minimum three separate critical parts all needing replacin' this ain't a cheap fix. "Parts alone are gonna cost about a thousand credits assumin there ain't no other hidden pieces need replacin'"
Michi groans as she hears the prognosis. She slumps against the wall, hands covering her face as it all piles on. One little thing missed by the original mechanics turning into something horrible. SonmethingS!!! horrible.
Very quietly, to Gary, Dorota asks. "Can you work out *why* that O-ring was off its bed?" Because it seems...too straightforward to her. She's still got that odd vibe as to...well, this *not* being quite right.
"Normally, that o-ring ain't no problem. When the engine's put together, regulatory stress tests are run to ensure it don't fall apart. But with refurbished engines like this one here, parts that shouldna been taken apart most likely were not retested." As Felix Gary continues to explain, it becomes more clear. Dorota had not noticed that o-ring was the key to the problems though she had seen it damaged, the link was what she had missed.
Carina nods, accepting Gary's evaluation. She doesn't speak up right away, allowing Michi and Darota to have their say first. But when it does com down to a decision of how to pay for all of this, she's going to be involved. "I understand that's going to be quite expensive. And we already owe you for the transport of the ship. We'll have to see to getting something out of those who assembled the ship and caused all of this, but that shouldn't be your problem. My question, Gary, is what could we arrange to satisfy your payment? We have a capable crew, plenty of talent and willing effort. But you know what you need, what you want, and I do not. So why don't we discuss that, and see if we can come to a mutually beneficial arrangement?" And she's not kidding: the meechanics who assembled that ship are going to get a piece of her mind.
Perhaps it's the way Carina tilts her head or ever so slightly bats those lovely eyelashes. But when she's done speaking, Felix Gary waves the group of them to follow him. Gary leads them to a side office right off the lobby and closes the door, gesturing at the few beat up chairs in the small room. "Seein' as you're in a right good fix, and seein as I'm feelin' a mite generous today, I might be able to work something out with you if you'll do me a favor."
Gary sits on the edge of the desk as he explains. "I've got a friend who I've not heard from in some time. I'm getting awfully worried about him, that something happened. You go find him and show me you're worth my time and resources to fix your ship, then we'll talk."
Michi follows, trying to keep the smile off her lips. Carina hits people of the right orientation harder than a Reaver attack, sometimes.
Carina nods. "That seems quite reasonable, Gary." She considers. "Why don't you tell me what you can about your friend? His name, where he can usually be found, when you last heard from him? We will take care of the rest. Do you have a message for him that we should deliver when we find him?"
Dorota nods. "Thanks. I just wanted to make sure I know *which* mechanic we need to have words with." She then takes a deep breath. "We'll do our best to track him down." Which is all she can actually promise. Ugh. More time on this dustball. Gary, for some reason, seems to LIKE this place. Michi draws a dagger and uses it to clean and trim her nails. Its been ages since she's taken proper care of them and the blonde and the mechanic have things well in hand.
"His name is Brennan Hughs." Gary informs them. "He usually sets his keister at the Mei Mei Cafe. Was expecting to hear from him two days ago. Normally I don't worry so much but I got my reasons for needing to get in contact with him sooner rather than later. That's all I can tell you. You should be able to figure out the rest on your own." Felix Gary goes around the desk and pulls a set of keys out of the draw. He takes off one and hands it to Carina. "You're gonna want to take something a little less noticeable into Mei Mei. You can borrow my vehicle around back. Try not to scratch her up."
Carina accepts the key and the advice, nodding. "Not a problem. We'll let you know as soon as we have more information." That said, she glances towards Michi and Darota. "Are we ready to go, for now? Or do you need anything more off the ship first?"
"I'd like to move my stuff out of my flop before we go, but that won't take much. It's all packed." She just doesn't want to have to pay any more rent on the place. Dorota smiles. "Brennan Hughs."
"I've got what I need." Michi says, slipping the blade back into her wrist sheath. She pulls the comm unit off her belt and speaks into it. "Doc, you and Karl meet us outside. We'll pick you up. Got a job to pay for the parts. Need to find a man named Hughs over in Mei Mei. Be there in five." She holds up her hand. "Keys, please."
Felix Gary smiles. "I look forward to patching up your ship." He guides the trio out of the office so they may gather the things they need and head off to find Brennan Hughs.
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