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Gender Male
Age ??
Crew Posting Odd Job Doer
Homeworld '
Religion N/A



The War

After the War

Character Sheet


Dead Eyed d8

You’re cool under fire and a keen shot.
✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
Quick Draw: The first time you set the stakes in a firefight, spend 1 PP to double Shoot. If your opponent raises the stakes, step back Shoot for the rest of the scene.
O Take Aim: Step back Move until the end of the scene to create an In My Crosshairs d8 Asset.
Highlighted Skills: Move, Notice, Shoot

Mysterious Past d8

You weren’t born to the life you’re livin’ now.
✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
O Cortex Specter: Whenever anyone uses an information-based Asset against you, spend 1 PP to turn it into a No Data Found Complication of the same die rating.
O Ghosts of Yesterday: Create a d8 Complication relating to your history to step up your Fight, Know, or Sneak for a scene. This Complication cannot be stepped back by spending PPs to activate Opportunities.
Highlighted Skills: Fight, Know, Sneak

Reader d8

You know things you shouldn’t. Some call you a witch. They’re just scared of what you represent.
✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
Secrets, Secrets: When you are in the presence of someone who is trying to keep a secret, spend 1 PP to discover the secret with a Mental + Know Action. If your Action fails, create or step up a Paranoid Complication.
O Psychic Flashes: Once per scene, spend 1 PP to create a d8 Complication on a Gamemaster character by blurting out a secret or negative fate.
Highlighted Skills: Focus, Influence, Notice

Signature Assets


  • Mental D10
  • Physical D8
  • Social D6


  • Craft D4
  • Drive D4
  • Fight D8
  • Fix D4
  • Fly D4
  • Focus D6
  • Influence D6
  • Know D10
  • Labor D4
  • Move D8
  • Notice D10
  • Operate D4
  • Perform D4
  • Shoot D10
  • Sneak D8
  • Survive D4
  • Throw D4
  • Treat D4
  • Trick D4
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