Dorota Kowal
Dorota Kowal | ||||||||||
Born on the rim world of Athens, Dorota Kowal was perhaps never meant to have a good life - her parents were working poor, barely managing from one paycheck to another. A formal education for their daughter was out of their reach - but Dorota, somehow, was brilliant. Truly brilliant, and she learned from everything around her, picking things up and tinkering. She protected her younger brother, Jakob, or tried to. He, mind, got involved in criminal activity and became a professional thief. Dorota might have become involved in other criminal activity, but she had a genius for engineering - and that was spotted by a free trader. The engineer on that ship took her on as an apprentice of sorts - she was now a teenager - and that got her out of poverty in a way. They were not rich, but they did better than that. She learned and then hired on a different ship as their engineer.
Her fondest memories of her family were the music they shared in the evenings, and she even plays the guitar - albeit not very well.
The War
Dorota tried to avoid the war. It was not to be. Pressed into service by the Alliance for her skills, she was dragged into fight after fight. The one compensation was Li-Min, a very attractive woman and an officer. Despite rules against fraternization, they had a relationship - but it was not enough for Dorota. Being forced to fight against people that were, essentially, her people. The last straw was when she found out Jakob was on a ship they had almost destroyed, a ship which limped away.
Dorota Kowal found a way to desert. She asked Kai Li-Min to come with her, but the woman was loyal to the Alliance. She refused, and tried to stop Dorota from leaving - but she had planned for this. Fleeing in a shuttle she had jury-rigged with a faster drive, she returned to the rim.
After the War
Dorota has taken several jobs during the war. She's looking for Jakob - who may or may not have survived - and for a more permanent position with a crew she can respect. Things are still...well. At least she's not technically wanted any more, or rather she's a loose end nobody cares enough to bring in. As long as she's careful where she goes.
Character Sheet
Ship's Mechanic d8
✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
✔ Zen & the Art of Engine Maintenance: Spend 1 PP at the beginning of a Timed Action involving ship repair or upgrades. For each of your rolls during the Timed Action, you may reroll any die that comes up 1 instead of accepting a Plot Point for that die.
O Miracle Worker: If you replace your Fix Skill with a D4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill's normal die rating if your roll is successful.
Highlighted Skills: Fix, Know, Operate
Heart Of Gold d8
✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
O Gruff Exterior: Gain 1 PP when you try to scare off a new acquaintance or make a rough first impression.
O Softie: When helping a Crewmember, spend 1 PP to step up the die you lend them for the roll.
Highlighted Skills: Labor, Operate, Treat
Friends In Low Places d8
✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
✔ I Know A Guy: Spend 1 PP tocreate a D8 Asset when you call in a shady friend with the skills you need.
O Rumor Mill: When you try to get information from your contacts, make a Social + Know roll. If successful, create a D6 Asset about the information. Take a Half the Story D8 Complication to step up the new Asset
Highlighted Skills: Craft, Labor, Throw
Signature Assets
- Tool belt d8: Nobody else gets to touch the tool belt. It's useful for the fixing of things and if she's somewhere without it it means she's very, very off duty indeed.
- Mule d6: Small, powerful four wheeler with a decent cargo bed.
Mental d8
Physical d10
Social d6
- Craft d10
- Drive d6
- Fight d4
- Fix d12 / Specialty, Engines
- Fly d6
- Focus d4
- Influence d4
- Know d6 / Specialty, Starship Identification
- Labor d8 / Specialty, Stronger Than She Looks
- Move d4
- Notice d4
- Operate d8
- Perform d4
- Shoot d4
- Sneak d4
- Survive d4
- Throw d6
- Treat d6
- Trick d4
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