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*'''Treat''' d4
*'''Treat''' d4
*'''Trick''' d4
*'''Trick''' d4

Latest revision as of 23:24, 13 November 2016

Michi Nom
Gender Genderfluid
Age 30
Crew Posting Pilot/Co-Captain
Homeworld Sihnon
Religion Buddhist



Not everyone born on Sihnon is shiny and rich. After all, someone's got to clean and cook and drive around all the wealthy feh wu around. Michi's parents were those someone's. Their dad drove a shuttle. Their mother was a housekeeper. The family got by, though bellies got mighty empty sometimes. Michi always had an interest in vehicles. Probably got it flying around in their dad's shuttle. Learned to fly from him, too, earlier than was strictly legal. Of course, they didn't always hang out with their dad. Sometimes, Michi went with their mom to the Companion Guild temple. While mom helped clean up, Michi met and struck up a friendship with a Companion trainee their own age named Carina. As they grew older, Michi and Carina grew apart due to the demands on their time, but Michi always would always remember the beautiful, smart young Companion fondly.
When Michi was old enough to spend time on their own, she got involved in illegal racing. Turned out a planet full of rich folk meant there were plenty of vehicles just waiting to be "borrowed" and put to use. Turns out, Michi was pretty damn good, too. They won more time than they lost.

The War

Michi reached eighteen not long after the war started. Recognizing an opportunity, they signed up. Their talent got them fast tracked through flight school and, before long, Michi was flying a fighter on the front lines. They were usually teamed up with a wingman by the name of Garfield, who taught them how to throw knives. Michi loved the flying part. Not so much the shooting. More than once, Michi was busted for insubordination after refusing to obey orders or stay in formation. They were pulling duty as a shuttle pilot when they recognized the personal Companion of a high ranking Alliance scientist as their childhood friend, Carina, and it was obvious she wasn't there willingly. Tired of the Alliance's mi tian ghon, Michi organized a rescue while shuttling the scientist, Carina, and his guard to a military facility located on an otherwise barren moon. The scientist and the guard ended up spaced. Michi and Carina dived behind enemy lines and joined the Browncoats.

After defecting, Michi was made the pilot of a blockade runner named the Camel's Straw, using their skills and the ship's speed to deliver supplies to troops and civilians in need. The captain was named Marshall Tuck but everyone called him Sepia, on account of his loyalty to the Independents. They said if you cut old Sepia, he'd bleed brown he was so devoted to the cause. Michi served aboard the Pair of Threes for just over two years before the war ended. Because they weren't just an Independent but a deserter they ended up spending a few years behind bars. When they got out, it wasn't easy to find a job. No legitimate employer wanted to hire a pilot with a record.

After the War

Luckily, not everyone hiring was a legitimate employer. Michi wandered from ship to ship, serving as pilot aboard this piece of junk or that. Truth be told, they didn't much like taking orders from other folk. Michi had their fill of that during the war. But, there wasn't much choice, until the day things finally went smooth. Sort of. Michi between ships and making ends meet by piloting shuttles again, out on the Rim. Just ferrying folks from planetside to the space station in orbit and back again. Nothing special. That is, until the feh wu ship they were flying suffered from engine failure. Michi survived the crash but the passenger they were ferrying didn't. On the other hand, the passenger's cargo did survive and it turned out to be a nice bundle of money, all in hard currency. Michi walked away from the crash with enough cash to put down a stake in their very own ship and a racing vehicle.

Character Sheet


Daredevil d8 (Things Don't Go Smooth p231)

✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
O Geronimo: Gain 1 PP when you respond to danger by leaping in front without hesitation.
O Hold Tight: When you hurtle into ill-advised action, replace your Drive or Move with a d4. If your roll is successful, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to the skill's normal rating.
Highlighted Skills: Drive, Move, Throw

Ship's Captain d8 (Firefly p197)

✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
Protect the Crew: When a Crewmember in the same scene as you acquires a Complication, spend 1 PP to take it away and step it back.
O Lead the Crew: When one of your crew directly follows one of your orders, spend 1 PP and give that Crewmember an Asset equal to your Influence die rating.
Highlighted Skills: Fly, Focus, Influence

Ship's Pilot d8 (Firefly p197)

✔ Gain 1 Plot Point when you roll a d4 instead of a d8.
Born Behind the Wheel: Spend 1 PP to step up or double your ship's Engines Attribute for your next roll.
O I've Never Tried That Before: If you replace your Fly or Operate Skill with a d4 for your next roll, gain a Big Damn Hero Die equal to that Skill's normal die rating if your roll is successful.
Highlighted Skills: Fly, Notice, Operate

Signature Assets

  • Mahha-go d8: Michi's custom racing hoverbike.
  • Throwing Knives d6: Quick draw, wrist-mounted knives perfectly balanced for throwing.


  • Mental d6
  • Physical d10
  • Social d8


  • Craft d4
  • Drive d10 / Mahha-go
  • Fight d4
  • Fix d6
  • Fly d12
  • Focus d6
  • Influence d6
  • Know d4
  • Labor d4
  • Move d8
  • Notice d6
  • Operate d8
  • Perform d4
  • Shoot d4
  • Sneak d4
  • Survive d4
  • Throw d8 / Throwing Knives
  • Treat d4
  • Trick d4


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