Talk:Queen of Clubs
Aerodesign Systems Condor. Lighter than air. Poor combat capabilities but near impossible to detect due to a combination of silent running and sensor and light near transparent materials. Solar powered by day, battery powered at night. Because its roughly the size of a cat you can't send it everywhere you can a fly-spy but it has a much more indepth sensor package. Not designed for combat. No hardpoints.
Ares Arms Sentry II. Technically a mini-turret and not a drone but its designed to be rigged like a drone.
Aztechnology Hedgehog Signal Interceptor. About the size and shape of a mouse droid from Star Wars. Designed to intercept communications. Though it doesn't decrypt them. No combat capability.
GM-Nissan Dobberman. A basic tracked guard drone with a single firmpoint and heavy armor. You'll find these guarding a lot of installations.
DLK MK 6 Utility Drone. Essentially an tool box on wheels. It comes with two mechanical arms so it can reach into itself and hand you items.
You've already got a MCT-Nissan Roto Drone.
Ares Guardian Drone. VTOL drone about the size of a small hawk. Firmpoint capable of being loaded with a pistol or machine pistol sized weapon. Designed for both indoor and outdoor use.
MCT Fly-spy. About twice the size of a hornet. Designed to look like one. Limited sensor suite but good visual camera. Very limited battery life if you keep it in the air. Maybe just an hour. Hard to spot.
Shiawase Kanmushi. A bug crawler. Like the fly-spy but land based. In some ways easier to pilot because you don't have to fly it through stuff.
Horizon Flying Eye. You know those rolly balls you can control with your iPhone? Its one of those but with little air jets that let it leap up over obstacles. They make very good drone grenades. Of course, once you blow it up...
Cyberspace Designs Dalmation. VTOL that folds iup. Its big. Folded up its the size of a push lawnmower. Unfolded its about the size of a hang glider. Designed for use as a combat drone for urban police forces so lots of firmpoints.
Renraku Evening Mist. Designed for law enforcement and military as well as SFX crews. Essentially a fog machine on wheels.