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Sophia Devereaux "Angel"
Race Elf
Nationality Quebec
Primary Role Face
Karma 0


Sophia Devereaux, for a while, was a rising star within the Ares MegaCorporation. Specializing in being a "Ms. Johnson," she arranged for contracts with shadowrunners to do things the company could disavow if needed. However, one of her superiors set her up and tried to have her eliminated... and as far as he knows, he succeeded. However, she did manage to escape with the help of some shadowrunner contacts as well as a friendly hacker in the corporation. Spending some time getting a slightly new face in her home of Quebec, she since relocated to Arkham, looking to start over again in the shadowrunning game herself... and possibly get a bit of revenge against the corp that set her up in the process.



  • Elven beauty and charisma
  • I've always had shady contacts
  • Once a Corp, always a Corp


Academic d6 • Corporate d10 • Matrix d4 • Military d8 • Occult d6 • Street d8


Criminal d8

Cyber d4

Expert d6

Face d10

  • Charmer d6

Samurai d6

  • Pistols d6

Spellslinger d4

Signature Assets

  • Wired Reflexes - Sophia does have some cyberware installed, nothing blatant or visible, but the most prominent upgrade is wired reflexes, allowing her to get a jump on things if they go south.
  • Fake SIN - After leaving Ares, Sophia did spend quite a bit of assets to get herself set up with a fake SIN, so she can still engage in legal contracts and the like, on the rare occasions they are necessary (such as DocWagon Contracts).
  • Lifestyle dX, Y months.


  • Talent 1: Explanation of talent.
  • Talent 2: Explanation of talent.
Arkham by Cyberlight