La’Tawn Du’Pleaseas | ||||||||||
Insert brief biography here.
- Whodoo Voodoo
- I Sees in the Dark
- The Sky is my Father
Academic d8 • Corporate d4 • Matrix d6 • Military d6 • Occult d10 • Street d8
Criminal d6
- Specialty 1
- Specialty 2
Cyber d4
- Specialty 1
- Specialty 2
Expert d4
- Specialty 1
- Specialty 2
Face d6
- Specialty 1
- Specialty 2
Samurai d8
- Specialty 1
- Specialty 2
Spellslinger d10
- Detection Spells
- Transformation Spells
Signature Assets
- Voudoun Fetish Bag
- Kengue, pet boa constrictor
- Lifestyle dX, Y months.
- Spellcasting:
- Summoning: Explanation of talent.
Arkham by Cyberlight | ||
To Remember: Damballah is the Great Serpent of the Sky, an ancient and primal Loa. He has a slow dignity and grace about him but can move wth surprising suddeness if required to do so. Damballah is often difficult to communicate with, his wisdom couched in metaphor and riddles. He rarely speaks in any human tongue.
Houngans of Damballah follow a strict moral code. The houngan must not break her word. They love to create secrets and lore and will go to great lenghts to do so, but they dole out their knowledge sparingly.
Advantages: Houngans of Damballah specialize in detection (finding, locating, and sensory enhancement) and manipulation (transformation, transmutation, animation, and control) spells.
Disadvantages: You have a constant d6 Miser with Secrets complication.