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Revision as of 20:44, 27 August 2015 by Zyindra (Talk | contribs)

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Class Skills

  • Acrobatics (Dex)
  • Climb (Str)
  • Craft (Int)
  • Handle Animal (Cha)
  • Heal (Wis)
  • Intimidate (Cha)
  • Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)
  • Knowledge (geography) (Int)
  • Knowledge (nature) (Int)
  • Perception (Wis)
  • Profession (Wis)
  • Ride (Dex)
  • Stealth (Dex)
  • Survival (Wis)
  • Swim (Str)

Weapon and Shield Fighting Style

If the character selects weapon and shield style, he can choose from the following list whenever he gains a combat style feat:

  • Improved Shield Bash
  • Shield Focus
  • Shield Slam
  • Two-Weapon Fighting.

At 6th level, he adds:

  • Saving Shield
  • Shield Master

At 10th level, he adds:

  • Bashing Finish
  • Greater Shield Focus