From Krystallos
[hide]Spheres of Magic Choices
High Caster, gaining talents 1 per level (+2 bonus @ 1st level), but they would also get one bonus every even level derived from their Patron, and applicable ONLY within the sphere or spheres deemed appropriate for their patron. Gain one Sphere of choice, and one Sphere for Patron at first level.
Spell Points: 6 (1 per level, +1 per level for drawbacks, + INT bonus)
- Healing Patron (Positive Material Plane), using Life sphere, gained as bonus at 1st level.
- Fate Sphere taken at 1st level.
- Base talent at 1st level used to purchase access to Protection Sphere
- First bonus talent at 1st level used to purchase Armored Magic (aegis) talent in Protection Sphere
- Second bonus talent at 1st level used to purchase Greater Healing talent in Life Sphere
- Custom drawbacks for casting (5, +1 spell point per level)
Class Skills
- Craft (Int)
- Fly (Dex)
- Heal (Wis)
- Intimidate (Cha)
- Knowledge (arcana) (Int)
- Knowledge (history) (Int)
- Knowledge (nature) (Int)
- Knowledge (planes) (Int) --> Knowledge (Religion)
- Profession (Wis)
- Spellcraft (Int)
- Use Magic Device (Cha)
- Aura of Purity has a very limited use but is great for that use. Negating airborn ickies in a 10 foot area.
- Charm is essentially a charm person spell that works on any creature.
- Feral Speech lets you talk to animals.
- Flight gives you feather fall at your level. At 3rd it turns into levitate and at 5th into fly.
- Fortune grants good luck to a creature within 30 feet. Allowing them to reroll one d20 roll and take the better result. Lasts 1 round. Like Healing, you can only use it once per day per person.
- Mudwitch lets you turn into ooze.
- Peacebond prevent someone from drawing a weapon (including ammunition like arrows) for a number of rounds equal to your level. Will save negates.
- Prehensile Hair give you... well... prehensile hair. It grows up to 10 feet long, acts as a limb with your INT score in place of STR and if used to attack does 1d3 damage. It can manipulate items but not weapons with full dexterity. You can do it level minutes per day, spent in 1 minute increments.
- Slumber is basically the sleep spell on a single creature within 30 feet for level rounds. Will negates. It isn't bound to the HD level of the creature but the sleep can end with the use of a standard action on the part of another party. You can use it once per creature per day.
- Swamp's Grasp turns a 10 foot square per level within 90 feet into difficult terrain for 3+INT modifier rounds.
- Tongues lets you understand any spoken language for a number of minutes per day equal to your level (spent in 1 minute increments). Once you reach 5th you can also speak any language.
- Wards gives whomever you ward +2 AC, +2 to saves which lasts until the target is hit or fails a saving throw. You can't use it on yourself, the ward gets better at higher levels and there's no limit on how often you can use it, though you can only have one ward up at a time. There's nothing about range here.
- Water Lung lets you or a target breathe water for 1 minute. Or a water breathing target can breathe air for 1 minute.
- Catseye give you cat eyes (and dark vision) for 24 hours. Or an ally. Only one active at a time. Zyindra's would be fox eyes, naturally.
- Familiar Growth gives Sabbath a battle form. Making him an animal companion (qv. Druid of equal level) for 1 minute per level.
- Scuttle lets you climb like a spider.
- Whispers lets you summon guidance for you or an ally that gives a bonus of half your level on a skill that lasts for 1 turn, 1 minute or 1 day depending on the skill chosen.
- Will-O-Wisp lets you summon a pale light that lasts for 1 hour and gives you and your allies +4 to Perception checks made to notice things.
- Eldritch Ally increases effective caster level by 1 while in physical contact with familiar.
- Cooperative Crafting: You can assist another character in crafting mundane and magical items. You must both possess the relevant Craft skill or item creation feat, but either one of you can fulfill any other prerequisites for crafting the item. You provide a +2 circumstance bonus on any Craft or Spellcraft checks related to making an item, and your assistance doubles the gp value of items that can be crafted each day.
- Craft Wondrous Item:
- Extra Hex:
- Craft Rituals: You may research rituals.
- Extra Magic Talent: Gain an additional sphere or a talent from a sphere you possess. You may take this feat multiple times. The effects stack.
- Extra Spell Points: Increase spell point pool by 2.
- Cunning: +3 skill points, +1 per Hit Die beyound 3
- Curious: Add 3 skills to your list of class skills
- Improved Cunning: Gain a skill rank per Hit Die.
Spheres of Power
Talents I want:
- Warp Sphere
- Unseeing Teleport - choose direction and distance rather than LoS
- Distant Teleport - increase to Long range when spending spell point
Quick Teleport - Teleport as a move action rather than standard action- Emergency Teleport - Teleport to evade attacks, granting evasion and a bonus of half caster level to AC and Reflex saves
- Light Sphere
- Blinding Light
- Bound Light
- Searing Light
- Lasting Light
- Illuminate
- Healing Sphere
- Resuscitate - heal back from the dead within 1 round
- Restorative Cure - spend spell point when healing to also remove conditions or restore ability damage at the same time
- Restore Soul - adds 1d8 to heal; also cured of ability drain and temporary negative levels
Greater Healing (two more times)This is capped at x3 for now, as game balance is discussed.- Ranged Healing - Close range instead of touch
Mass Healing - +1 person per 2 levels at once
- Fate Sphere
- Greater Consecration - increase radius
- Diviniation Sphere
- Base
- Detect Undead Talent - grant the ability to detect undead based on the Life Sphere rather than the Death Sphere.
- Protection Sphere
- Distant Protection - Ward or Aegis within Close range rather than touch
- Greater Barrier - barrier as flat plane
- Resistance - aegis grants bonus to saving throws
- Obstruction (aegis) - absorbs damage, granting low DR
Pathfinder: Krystallos | ||
Setting • People • Locations • Monsters • Journal • House Rules • Noteboard |
Cypher System
Zyindra | ||||||||||||||
Character Sheet
Armor 0
Edge & Effort
- Magic Lore (Trained/-1 Difficulty)
- Healing (Specialized/-2 Difficulty)
- Alchemy & Potions (Trained/-1 Difficulty)
- Cooking (Trained/-1 Difficulty)
- Krystallos Lore (History & Religion) (Trained/-1 Difficulty)
- Nature (Trained/-1 Difficulty)
Special Abilities
- Hedge Magic (1 Intellect point): Can perform small tricks such as creating light, changing the color or basic appearance of a small object, cause small objects to float through the air, clean a small area, mend a broken object, prepare food, and so on. Cannot be used to harm another.
- Magic Sense: Can sense magic by studying an area or object for one minute.
- Cypher Friend: Can carry up to 3 cyphers without negative consequences
- Prehensile Hair: (2 Intellect points): You can reach out to 10 feet with your hair and use it to manipulate and lift objects. When performing feats of strength with your hair you use your Intellect Pool instead of your Might Pool. Your hair cannot be used to harm or grapple another.
- Short Range Warp: (2 Intellect points): You can teleport anywhere you can see within 100 feet.
- Resonance Field: (1 Intellect point): Energy patterns form around your body to block attacks. When active, defending against most attacks becomes an Intellect ability and not Might or Speed. If you get a minor or major effect the creature attacking you takes damage.
Ward: You have an energy shield around you at all times and gain +1 Armor.- Barrier: (3 Intellect points): You can create a solid, opaque, stationary energy barrier within 10 feet. The barrier can be up to 10 x 10 feet in size. It is level 2 (target number 6 to shatter) and lasts for 10 minutes. It can be placed anywhere it fits and can be floating. Each level of Effort you apply strengthens the barrier by one level.
- Healing Touch: (1 Intellect point): You touch someone and restore 1d6 points of one stat Pool to them. This is a difficulty 2 Intellect task. Each time you attempt to heal the same creature the task increases by one step. The difficulty returns to 2 after 8 hour’s rest.
- Alleviate: (3 Intellect points): You can cancel one malady (disease/poison) in one creature.
- Familiar: You have a level 2 creature which serves as a conduit to your patron power. The creature is intelligent and can speak with you, though no one else can understand it. It will not attack others but provides a +1 bonus to any action it can assist you with. You must perform a ritual each sunrise and commune with your familiar. Failure to do so results in an inability to use any ability which requires intellect points, though you can still spend Effort on non-Magical tasks.
- Radiance Pool: You have an additional Pool called Radiance that contains 3 points. When spending points from any other Pool on a task involving magic, you can tak points from your Radiance Pool to spend on Effort or ability costs. If you do so, however, the flood of radiant energy overflows and triggers a Wild Magic effect (see Flaws). Your Radiance Pool refreshes when you commune with your familiar each day.
Weapons & Armor
- Spellstaff (Medium Ranged Weapon / 100 foot range / 4 damage)
- Quarterstaff (Medium Melee Weapon / 4 damage)
- Inability: Because of the energies flowing through you other people can find you unnerving. The difficulty of any task involving charm/persuasion/deception is increased by 1.
- Familiar Communion: You must commune with your familiar each morning for 1 hour or you cannot use any ability which requires the spending of Intellect pool.
- Wild Magic: When you roll a 1 while performing a task involving your magical abilities or you use points from your Radiance Pool, the radiant energy overflows and strikes an object near you, transforming it into a single use cypher which immediately activates. The effect of the cypher is determined randomly. (Roll 1d20, 1d100)
- Price of Magic: The use of magic is eased by rote and ritual. Choose three specific methods you must employ when using your mystical abilities. The intellect point cost for using your abilities increases by +1 for each method you are unable to employ when you use one of your abilities.
- Focus: Zyindra uses a very special stave, created from a very special tree, as her focus for magical workings. To do any magical working without the stave, the difficulty of the task is increased by 3.
Zyindra's focus is a staff that is a branch from a tree from a seed planted at the same place and time as her own birth and Sabbath's, which she uses as a sympathetic link to the access of the positive material plane. - Magical Signs: Zyindra's magic is accompanied by a tell-tale sign; for example, your body glows brightly, the sound of tortured souls shriek as you cast, feelings of a deep chill affect all creatures within 30 ft. All nearby creatures know when you are using magic, as well as the nature of the magic used.
Zyindra's magical signs are that her eyes sparkle and glow with green and gold light when casting, and the same light flows in sparkles and pulses around her and outward from her with her magic. - Somatic Casting: You must gesture to cast spells—a process that requires you to have at least 1 hand unoccupied. When using magic, you cannot wear armor heavier than light without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure. You may select this drawback twice. If taken a second time, you cannot wear any armor or use a shield without incurring a chance of arcane spell failure.
Zyindra has taken this drawback twice.
- Focus: Zyindra uses a very special stave, created from a very special tree, as her focus for magical workings. To do any magical working without the stave, the difficulty of the task is increased by 3.
Cyphers & Artifacts
Number of Cyphers Which Can Be Carried Without Potential Negative Consequences: 3 (+1 in Holding Crystal)
- Illithid Essence Potion (Cypher): Level 5 / Adds +1 to your Intellect Edge for one hour
- Flying Broom (Cypher): Level 6 / allows you to fly for a total of (roll 3d20) minutes. You don't need to fly them consecutively. It flies at a speed of 1 mile per minute. If you run out of minutes while in mid-air it slowly falls back to the ground
- Cloth Window (Cypher): Level 7 / A length of cloth the size of a flag (roughly 3x5 feet). When you unroll it and press it up against a solid surface it acts as a window, allowing you to see through up to 2 feet of material. You can use it once and it lasts for one minute before the magic fades.
- Holding Crystal (Artifact): Diamond crystal a foot long 3 inches in diameter, with harness to strap across her back. Touching it to an item causes it to derez and disappear inside. Holds up to 250 pounds of information.