Valadhiel of House Ailil

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Game Stats

  • Comeliness: Great
  • Connections: Great
  • Social Graces: Great
  • Courage: Good
  • Etherealness: Good
  • Markswomanship: Good
  • Perception: Good
  • Athletics: Average
  • Charisma: Average
  • Enchantment: Average
  • Fencing: Average
  • Glamour: Average
  • Physique: Average
  • Education: Average
  • Exchequer: Average
  • Performance: Average
  • Stealth: Average
  • Fisticuffs: Poor
  • Physician: Poor
  • Sorcery: Poor
  • Tinkering: Poor
  • The Name is Valadhiel Simaril d'Ailil
  • Where Do You Come From?

Arcadia, the Land of the Faerie

  • Physiognomy & Physique? What Do You Look Like?

Carrying herself with poise and grace, Valadhiel stands nearly six feet tall, slender as a willow weed, with lustrous black hair cascading down to the small of her back. Her eyes gleam violet in the light, and her ears are pointed in the manner of the high fey.

  • What Was Your Youth & Childhood Like?

To be frank, it was utterly boring in Arcadia. There was little to challenge oneself and everything was so familiar. It didn't take long for Valadhiel to find herself drawn to this world in search of something new.

  • What Are Your Virtues?

Curiosity, Confidence

  • What Are Your Vices?

Flighty, Hedonist

  • What's Your Style?

Elegant gowns of dark colors, with her house emblem present somewhere always (sable, a rampant dragon argent, between four stars argent)

  • Are You Dashing or Demure?

Friendly and confident

  • What Do You Like?

New places, music, art

  • What Do You Dislike?

Sciences, lectures, dreariness

  • What Really Matters to You?
  • What principle do you value most in life?

True Love

  • What is your most treasured possession?

Her bow, Quinganor, enchanted to remain hidden until it is called to her hand

  • Who do you value most in the world?

Her little sister, Sariel, currently in the court of Paris.

  • You Stand With Me, Or ...
  • Who or What is your nemesis?

Gabriel du Balor, Unseelie High Noble, currently residing in Berlin as one of the advisors to the Iron Chancellor, though his true nature remains hidden from most.

  • What are your Alliances?

Valadhiel has close ties to most noble courts in Europa, particularly France and Spain. Though as far as true alliances are concerned, she has strong ties to several privateer and merchant captains that have aided her explorations.

  • Ah, Love!

Valadhiel has… well, maybe not a lover in every city in Europa, but there’s very few places where she doesn’t have potential courtiers or friends who hope to be more than just friends. Though, Valadhiel has no serious involvements, though she would not mind finding someone worth her time.

  • And Ambition!
    • Social: To be renowned for what she does, not just who she is.
    • Professional: To explore all of the world!
    • Romantic: To find her true love.
  • And Last ...
  • What event or action in your life do you regret most?

She was unable to save a lover from death by cold iron at the hands of her nemesis.

  • What event or action in your life are you proudest of?

At a dare in a salon in Paris from Jules Verne, Valadhiel managed to get herself around the world in 80 days. What she won in the bet is not publicly known…