Valadhiel of House Ailil
From Krystallos
Game Stats
- Athletics: Average
- Charisma: Average
- Comeliness: Average
- Courage: Average
- Fencing: Average
- Physique: Average
- Social Graces: Average
- Connections: Average
- Education: Average
- Exchequer: Average
- Fisticuffs: Average
- Markswomanship: Average
- Perception: Average
- Performance: Average
- Physician: Average
- Sorcery: Average
- Stealth: Average
- Tinkering: Average
- The Name is ...
- Where Do You Come From?
- Phsiognomy & Physique? What Do You Look Like?
- What Was Your Youth & Childhood Like?
- What Are Your Virtues?
- What Are Your Vices?
- What's Your Style?
- Are You Dashing or Demure? (two words)
- What Do You Like?
- What Do You Dislike?
- What Really Matters to You?
- What principle do you value most in life?
- What is your most treasured possession?
- Who do you value most in the world?
- You Stand With Me, Or ...
- Who or What is your nemesis?
- What are your Alliances?
- Ah, Love!
- And Ambition!
- Social:
- Professional:
- Romantic:
- What Are You Good At? Poor At? Exceptional At?
One Great; Four Good; One Poor; the rest Average; extra Great by reducing an Average to Poor; for an Exceptional, two additional Poor; for any Extraordinary, three additional Poor. - And Last ...
- What event or action in your life do you regret most?
- What event or action in your life are you proudest of?
- Now, Tell Your Story