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Class Animal Companion
Archetype N/A
Level 2
Race Cougar
Experience Points 0
Full Name Kaza
Age 4
Homeland Emerald Shire
Favored Class N/A


XYZ information about Kaza

Character Sheet



STR 13 (+1) • DEX 22 (+6) • CON 13 (+1) • INT 2 (-4) • WIS 12 (+1) • CHA 6 (-2)

Hit Points 19 • Initiative +5 • Speed 50 ft (land)

Defenses & Attacks

Armor Class 19 (+1 from dodge) • Touch 15 • Flat-Footed 11 • CMD 17 (21 vs trip) • Flat-Footed CMD 12 (16 vs trip) Fortitude Save +4 • Reflex Save +8 • Will Save +2

Base Attack Bonus +3 • Melee Attack +5 • Ranged Attack +9 • CMB +4

  • BiteAttack Bonus +9 • Damage 1d4 +1 • Crit 20/x2 • Type Piercing • Special: Can try to trip
  • ClawAttack Bonus +10 • Damage 1d2 +1 • Crit 20/x2 • Type Slashing
  • Second ClawAttack Bonus +10 • Damage 1d2 +1 • Crit 20/x2 • Type Slashing


  • Climb (Str) +5
  • Perception (Wis) +6
  • Stealth (Dex) +10


  • Weapon Finesse (Feat): Kaza use Dexterity instead of Strength when making attacks with natural weapons.
  • Weapon Focus (Claws) (Feat): Kaza gains a +1 bonus to attack rolls made with claws.
  • Dodge (Feat): Kaza gains a +1 dodge bonus to her AC. A condition that makes her lose her Dex bonus to AC also makes her lose the benefits of this feat.

Racial Abilities

  • Low-light vision 30 ft.
  • Scent

Familiar Abilities

  • Share Spells: You may cast spells on Kaza that normally have a range of 'You' at touch range.
  • Evasion: If an animal companion is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw.
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