Lilia Aconite

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Lilia Arconite
Class Alchemist
Archetype Bramble Brewer
Level 1
Race Human (plant-born Amazonite)
Experience Points '
Full Name Lilia Arconite
Age 19
Alignment True Neutral
Homeland Amazonite Swamps
Favored Class Alchemist


Lilia was born in the Amazonite swamplands as a member of the seed of the Hunters. Like all Amazonite children she was taught from an early age how to survive in the dangerous swamps the call home. Lilia showed an sharp and quite curious mind while growing up, which lead to her apprenticeship under an Alchemist of her Seed.

About two years after she began her apprenticeship it was time for her Blossoming. After being taken about three days into the swamp she was left with nothing but an Amazonite pendant (of the totem, not the tribe) and a fang necklace her mother gave her. Lilia spend the first day finding a safeish place and improvising a primitive laboratory, being Toxic for most animals certainly helped, especially against the mosquitoes. Armed with everything useful she could improvise she started trekking home. After many close encounters with the different dangers the swamp has to offer, like crocodiles, carnivorous slimes and plants, goblins and worse. A few splashes of an extract from raflesia, resin and a few toxic bugs keep most animal predators away, slimes and plants can be evaded if you know what to look out for, killing a single goblin, if you surprise it is easy, even for a young girl (and their daggers are useable, even if crude and smelly) and as for the everything worse, being lucky and not encountering any works best. About a week after she was left she returned, tired, bruised but alive and not missing any major body-parts. Lilia slept for a whole day after receiving her Seedmarks ad the end of her Blossoming celebration. During the following years, till the end of her apprenticeship and after, Lilia did many experiments with reagents collected form different Plants, Fungi and Animals native to the Swamplands (many of which she collected herself), she came to realize that most of these experiments have already been done by someone. further realizing that the by limiting themself to the Reagents found in thair homeland the advancement of alchemy and because of that the advancement of the tribe itself(especially the Plantborn) is limited.

Once she had completed her apprenticeship she packed for travel, said good bye to friends and family and started to travel to the citrine waste, an environment as different as possible from the Swamplands she called home. Lilia chose that destination after looking at old tomes and maps to find such a place.

After traveling trough the Citrine waste for a while she reached Shibbati, she partook in the lottery grading entrance to the walled of part of the city, curious what kind of reagents and secrets she could find there.

Character Sheet


STR 11 (+0) • DEX 12 (+1) • CON 12 (+1) • INT 17 (+3) • WIS 9 (-1) • CHA 11 (+0)

Hit Points 9 • Initiative +1 • Speed 30 ft (land)

Defenses & Attacks

Armor Class 13 • Touch 11 • Flat-Footed 12 • CMD 11 • Flat-Footed CMD 10

  • Armor: Leather Armor • AC Bonus +2 • Max DEX +6 • Armor Check Penalty 0 • Spell Failure 10%

Fortitude Save +3 • Reflex Save +3 • Will Save -1

Base Attack Bonus +0 • Melee Attack +0 • Ranged Attack +1 • CMB +0

  • DaggerAttack Bonus +0 • Damage 1d4+1 • Crit 19-20/x2 • Type Piercing or Slashing
  • BlowgunAttack Bonus +1 • Damage 1d2 • Crit 20/x2 • Range 20 ft • Type Piercing


  • Appraise +7
  • Craft (Alchemy) +7 (+8 when creating alchemical items)
  • Heal +3
  • Knowledge (Nature) +7
  • Perception +3
  • Profession (Herbalist) +3
  • Spellcraft +7
  • Survival +3
  • Swim +2

Languages: Amethystish, Amazonite


  • Weapons: Simple Weapons, Bombs
  • Armor/Shields: Light Armor

Traits, Drawbacks and Feats

  • Dangerously Curious (Trait): You gain a +1 bonus on Use Magic Device checks, and Use Magic Device is always a class skill for you.
  • Seed Survival Training (Trait): You gain a +1 trait bonus on damage rolls with a dagger and a +1 trait bonus on Swim checks. Swim is always a class skill for you.

  • Brew Potion (Class Bonus Feat): You can create a potion of any 3rd-level or lower spell that you know and that targets one or more creatures or objects. Brewing a potion takes 2 hours if its base price is 250 gp or less, otherwise brewing a potion takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. When you create a potion, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own level. To brew a potion, you must use up raw materials costing one half this base price.

When you create a potion, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Whoever drinks the potion is the target of the spell.

  • Throw Anything (Class Bonus Feat): You do not suffer any penalties for using an improvised ranged weapon. You receive a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls made with thrown splash weapons.

  • Extra Bombs (Feat): You can throw two additional bombs per day.

Racial Abilities

  • +1 Skill Point per level
  • +2 to any attribute at 1st level
  • Toxic (Su): The amazonite's bodily fluids have become toxic to animals. She can apply her blood or saliva to a weapon she wields a number of times per day equal to her Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day). This is a swift action. Amazonite Toxin: Injury; save Fort DC 10 + 1/2 amazonite's Hit Dice + amazonite's CON modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1d2 Dex; cure 1 save.

Class Abilities

  • Alchemy (Su): You add your Alchemist level to Craft (Alchemy) checks to make alchemical items. You can use Craft (Alchemy) to identify potions as if using detect magic. You can create extracts (specialized potion that act like spells in liquid form). Mixing an extract take 1 minute of work and remains potent for 1 day. Extracts only work for you. At present, you know 5 extract formula and can prepare 2 extracts per day. The DC for a saving throw vs an extract effect is 10 + the extract level + your Intelligence modifier.
  • Bomb (Su): You can create a bomb. Creating and throwing a bomb takes a standard action and provokes an attack of opportunity. The bomb is a splash weapon that inflicts 1d6 + INT modifier fire damage with a direct hit and an amount equal to the bomb's minimum damage in splash damage. Anyone hit with splash damage can make a Reflex save against a DC equal to 10 + 1/2 your alchemist level + your INT modifier. You can make a number of bombs each day equal to your alchemist level + your INT bonus.
  • Brew Potion (Ex): You receive Brew Potion as a bonus feat and can brew potion of any formula you know (up to 3rd level). Your caster level is equal to your alchemist level.
  • Mutagen (Su): At 1st level, a bramble brewer's mutagen still contains transformative power, but grants a treelike sturdiness rather than the feral power of standard mutagens. When imbibed, dendrite mutagen grants a +4 natural armor bonus, a +2 alchemical bonus to one physical ability score, and a –2 penalty to the corresponding mental ability score (as per the normal mutagen class feature;. In addition, the alchemist gains fast healing 1 as long as he is in an area of bright light (such as sunlight or inside the area of a daylight spell).

This ability otherwise works like the standard mutagen class feature and replaces that ability.

A bramble brewer who selects the greater mutagen discovery can create a dendrite mutagen that still grants a +4 natural armor bonus, and also grants a +4 alchemical bonus to one physical ability score and a +2 bonus to a second physical ability score. The bramble brewer takes a –2 penalty to both associated mental ability scores as long as the mutagen persists, but his fast healing increases to 3 as long as he is in an area of bright light.

This ability otherwise works like the greater mutagen discovery and replaces that ability.

A bramble brewer who selects the grand mutagen discovery can brew a dendrite mutagen that now grants a +6 natural armor bonus, a +6 alchemical bonus to one physical ability score, a +4 alchemical bonus to a second physical ability score, and a +2 alchemical bonus to a third physical ability score. The bramble brewer takes a –2 penalty to his Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores as long as the mutagen persists. The bramble brewer's fast healing increases to 5 as long as he is within an area of bright light.

This ability otherwise works like the grand mutagen discovery and replaces that ability.

  • Throw Anything (Ex): You receive the Throw Anything feat as a bonus feat.


1st Level

  • Cure Light Wounds (DC 14)
  • Endure Elements (DC 14)


  • candles (10)
  • potion of cure light wounds
  • rations (trail/per day) (5)
  • torch (3)
  • blowgun
  • dagger (2)
  • bomb
  • hat (common)
  • outfit (hot weather)
  • alchemist's kit
  • blowgun darts (10) (4)
  • belt pouch (2)
  • backpack
  • common
  • bedroll
  • coin (copper piece) (7)
  • coin (gold piece) (5)
  • coin (silver piece) (3)
  • flint and steel
  • ink (1 oz. vial)
  • inkpen (2),
  • iron vial (2)
  • journal
  • paper (sheet) (2)
  • traveling formula book (blank)
  • vial (10)
  • waterskin (filled) (3)
  • wrist sheath
  • formula book
  • bandolier
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