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          <rev user="KrystGM" timestamp="2017-05-09T22:51:19Z" comment="" contentformat="text/x-wiki" contentmodel="wikitext" xml:space="preserve">'''We are currently alternating between Firefly and Krystallos.'''
[[Image:Settingicon.png|link=Setting]] [[Image:Peopleicon.png|link=People]] [[Image:Locationsicon.png|link=Locations]] [[Image:Monstersicon.png|link=Monsters]] [[Image:Journalicon.png|link=Journal]] [[Image:Houserulesicon.png|link=House Rules]]
[|Krystallos Noteboard]&lt;br&gt;
[|Raw Log for Krystallos campaign up to 7/22/2015.]
==Previous Campaigns==
===Arkham by Cyberlight===
A game set in the Shadowrun world using a hack of Cortex Plus Action.
* [[Arkham by Cyberlight Setting]]
* [[Arkham by Cyberlight Rules]]
* [[Arkham by Cyberlight Characters]]
* [|The Blackboard]
===Guns and Butter===
An Adventure Mystery set in New Europa using the Castle Falkenstein rules.